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I am a student in computer science at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. I am conducting this research project as part of my bachelor thesis.
The goal of my bachelor thesis is creating a research environment for player behaviour studies based on Super Mario Bros. To achieve this goal all player actions are logged and saved to a file and linked to the survey via an generated player id.
Your participation in this study will contribute to the further development of this project and to the advancement of knowledge on creating player behaviour studies and is greatly appreciated.
The study consists of two parts:
You can contact me at k00755659@students.jku.at if you have any questions.
In this study, we are collecting your playtime, character movement and actions data.
We are also asking you to fill a demographic questionnaire about you and your gaming experience.
By clicking on ‘accept’, you agree to the following statements, and thus provide your consent to
participate in the study: